
Please note that the artist is ultimately responsible for how his or her work is used. With agreement and consent from the artist, the content may be used as licensed for purposes that goes against this license. If you seek to license content for use that goes beyond these terms, please contact the artist directly, or send an inquiry to Angelic Particles to relay.

We kindly ask that if you use the content for something that will reach an audience, that you credit the artist appropriately, if possible.

When you download (or receive second hand) any content from Angelic Particles, you are automatically granted a personal license to enjoy the content with as few restrictions as possible.

You may:

  1. Use the content for any personal purposes.
  2. Use the content in a live performance, DJ set, at a party etc.
  3. Use the content in any video, production or stream, as long as the context is sensible and respectful to the artist, and the production either not for profit, or it constitutes a minimal part of the resulting work.
  4. Use the content on broadcast or streamed radio stations, or as background music in a business context.

You may not:

  1. Sell, rent, lease, or in other way redistribute the content for monetary compensation.
  2. Use the content in a loaded context (i.e. political, religious, harm or criminal actions against other humans or property, etc.)


  • You can use the content freely for your own personal purposes.
  • You can use the content in live streams and productions, but try to credit the artist.
  • You can perform the content as part of a set or performance session.
  • Don't use the content in any way that risk making the artist or Angelic Particles look bad by your performance or actions.